Flexibility Training for Adults that Actually Works
The Modern Methods of Mobility have been specifically curated to build flexibility for adults of all capabilities and experience – for those who can’t yet touch their toes, to contortionists touching their toes…to their head!
If other approaches haven’t loosened you up – the solutions are here.
Other ways to train M3

This is the question Emmet Louis posed to himself while in circus school. The advice he was receiving at the time was to stretch more and, if that didn’t work, to stretch even more. Unlike strength & conditioning or sports performance methods, in this flexibility coaching there was no logical structure, no real assessment system, or progression models.
So Emmet began to apply his extensive personal training and performance knowledge to range of motion development. Now, having spent fourteen years coaching everyone from professional circus artists, weekend warriors, athletes, martial artists, dancers, movement enthusiasts, other coaches, gym owners and dedicated practitioners from ages 16 to 60, he has formalised a set of “modern methods of mobility” that deliver a concise and direct path to developing all aspects of flexibility while synergistically enhancing strength and body control. Most importantly, these methods apply in all cases – from those who can’t yet touch their toes to contortionists touching their toes…to their head.
What Makes M3 Different?
The M3 System avoids the dogma of other training methods by taking bigger picture view of flexibility development and reconciling all the conflicting information about correct flexibility training. It focuses on finding what works for the person doing the training versus having a one size fits all approach. We believe strongly that anybody can develop exceptional flexibility with the right combination of correct methods and consistent training.
You can learn more about the philosophy and nuances of the Modern Methods of Mobility here: